Monday, 18 April 2016

Hero Wall

Hero: a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

Update 2020 - I'm back and continue the fun :)

Ninja Hero is for when you miss me and haven't seen me around :) or just randomly want to surprise me with fanmail full of tokeyssssss.

Ninja Hero 

offline tip 100tokeys+ to be my Ninja Hero - ofc there is appreciation is sent via Sn/ig or.. and your name on my Hero Wall for eternity 💫

My "Hero Wall" is for people who are brave enough to tip me while my cam is off or away from cam! Or when I ask for it. Only the braves & the lovelies can do that *-*.
This wall is also based on a foundation of Trust. Sometimes,  I ask for the last tip just because I want to make my goal for the day before going to bed. If I promise your name will be on my wall, you will, the last people who tip me from the moment I ask for the tip.

You deserve the tittle Hero ;). You can be Hero as many time as you want and there will be an "x (number)" of time you tip me every time my cam is off or when I'm away :).

2020 Heroes

2016 Heroes 


  1. hi tia this is uptown how r u beautiful one this is what i want u to check out

    1. my fb to check

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
