Monday, 4 April 2016

Have a tea/coffee and embrace your life :)

 In life we will be hurt or hurt others around us; we just have to live with it and embrace it.

There is no one perfect; You'll just have to find the one who's perfect for you.

There is no forever lasting love. If there is...not until you are in the same grave together.

Live and be openminded about all the possibilities that will come to you. If you are hurt and feel like dying today, just remember that there is always tomorrow and after the rain, the fresh air taste is so much much better :).

Honesty is the key to open all doors.

The difference between honest and "not telling" is that:
- Honest = you don't lie about it
- Not telling = you've never been asked, so you just don't say it haha ( I know I will get lot of spanks for saying it)

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