Friday, 5 May 2017

2016 Diary

I am a junk collector. I collect pretty much a lot of things that I barely use or need. I am working on reducing collecting too much junk to my house. However, when it comes to writing, I always want to save what I have written so I can reread them again. I need to clean up my diary on the profile so I am going to save the 2016 diary writing on here and leave space for 2017 :).

I accidentally deleted more than half of what I wrote from when I joined the site :(. You can read them with me when you're bored hehee. Good memory :).
New blog post soon, i just need to feel it :P

Dec 8th, 

Hello loves, I'm right now sitting on the Airplane waiting to depart. These past few days had been amazing thanks to all of the loves you guys have given me. Thank you so much for everything. For always be there to support me, to make me laugh as hard as you can. You guys are amazing and I am forever grateful. Mwahhh. I'll be sure to log on when I'm there. kissesssssssss. Miss you guys already :( 

With lots of loves and kisses from me :). 

Dec 2nd, 

It's the last month of 2016. I will be away for 3 weeks to a different continent :). Don't worry I'll try to get on cam there too. I hope the net works good tho. Anyway, this weekend is my last weekend before I head out. I'm flying out on weds late night. So come catch up with me before I go :). Lots of naughtiness since I can't be publicly naughty when I'm at my mama's house =]. Blog will be updated soon. Also, a private blog will be created only to certain people by invitation only ;). 


Nov 27th, 

Dear jealous models, You can go fck yourself in the face for being dumb. I don't give a fck about what you think of me. you can suck it up and stick it up to your asses, maybe it'll make you smarter and you can earn more. 

Nov 25th, 

Hello lovers! Happy Black Friday I hope you guys get to buy some of the stuff you want for a great discount! Tonight I'm doing a DP with my starwar butterfly dildo in the ass! The tokens raise is 2000tk! So come and join me if you're feeling naughty. After the tokens raise, play will happen in my TiasTemple to avoid creeps and sickos who try to record me. Show Start at 9:30pm pst :). See you soon! 


Nov 11th, 

Hello lovers&friends, I just want to let you know that I'll be heading to Miami early morning tomorrow. So tonight I am going to be staying up late. Come and join me 😘. I'll be on in Miami as well if I'm not partying too hard 😂. My birthday is on Monday so birthday gifts are appreciated 🤒. I LoVe Gifts 😍😍😍😍 

See you soon! Mwahhhh 

Update: be on in 25mins sorry I'm running late 🙈 

Oct 31st, 

Hi loves, today a surprise show. Guarantee fun :). Hop on and see me. Since my ideas always get stolen, I will not post it on here especially today :). Show starts at 8pm pst :). 


Oct 27th, 

Hello friends&lovers, today I'm feeling a bit unwell. My brain is tired. You guys have fun without me :). There's a chance of Anal show tomorrow if you are up for the challenge ^.^ Tokens raise is 1,500 before show starts. So save up your tokens if you wanna see my A.. fck. I'll be using butterfly star war dildo 😅. Show starts at 8pm pst :) 


Oct 18th, 

So I finally got my Foxtail. I just want to let you guys know that I'm doing Foxtail show on Friday. So come and join me if you have time :). Show will start around 8pm PST. See you then <3 


Oct 17th, 

Hello loves, I just created a Gofundme campaign about my 2017 travel plans. I hope to get your support on this. I'd be over the moon if I can raise enough money to travel by the Summer 2017. I'll be forever grateful. Please check out my blog post for more information about my plans:  or you can go directly to the campaign here:  


Oct 11th, 

Hello lovers&friends. From now on I'll be putting King of the Month and Hero Wall on my profile so you guys can see if your name is on it. As for king of the month please claim your prize within the period of one month after it's posted. More information on how it works is on my blog. I will still have the Kingwall and Herowall on my blog. Thank you so much for being my kings and heroes as well as on my first VIP list. I'm trying to work on resize the hero wall poster since the site won't let me upload cuz the size is bigger than it's allowed -.- I'll start updating my blog again. Sorry for being such a slacker for the last month >.< 


Oct 6th, 

Hello my friends&lovers. Tomorrow, I am going to do either Foxtail show or Ice Cream show. So if you are around come check it out ok :). The show will start around 8pst. See you guys <3 


Sept 30, 

Hello lovers&friends. It's already the end of the month 🙈. I know I should have updated this way before but some of you may already know that I'm going to do a bunny show today. I haven't done a fun show in awhile so I hope today gonna be fun for us if you have time to get on 😘. The show is about deflowering my bunny buttplug. And you're gonna help me to make me look like a bunny 😝. I hope to see you guys tonight at 6pm pst 🤗. 


Sept 22nd, 

Hello my pervies, I havent been able to get online much because I am having a friend at my place. She's staying in town for a few days. Supposed she was leaving early morning today but she's having some issues with the driving and stuff so she has to stay back. I am not sure when she's gonna leave and I am getting frustrated because I want to get online so bad. I miss you guys :(. Having a friend over is ok but when it gets in the way of what I'm doing, I kinda get annoyed. Plus, when I have to entertain someone for over 3 days, I am not happy LoL. 

Sept 17th, 

It's been awhile that I haven't been writing diary. I was going to upload a new entry for blog but I'm too tired to finish the writing so I'll post it tomorrow I mean later this afternoon. Two more days then it will be my 6th month Camniversary. Time flies when i'm online :). I'll share with you more later as well. Good night world! 


August 15th, 

Hi friends, I'm going to be on late today because I am cleaning my place. Trying to finish everything. As you may know that I've moved to my new place for about a month now :). I am very happy ^.^ so happy that I was on cam most of the time and didn't really get much done. So today, I promise myself to completely done it 😎. I'll see you guys later if you're around. Have fun everyone 😘. 


August 4th, 

It's 2:18am and I am hungry but I don't wanna eat 😭. Goodnite world, I'm writing on my phone right now. I'm a bit busy this week but I'll try to get on cam as much as I can. Thanks everyone for your support yesterday-today ☺️. I always have fun with you guys :). 


July 18th, 

Hi my pervy friends, 

Due to the setting up of panties store, I have wiped out my entire diary Q.Q So I am working on it to bring back my old diary. I used way too many smiley characters and the panties store keeps telling me invalid character so I can't save it on my panties store. Damn it

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