Tuesday 17 October 2017

A Girl Once has had a dream

Life changes as unexpected as it is meant to be. We all have a dream once but whether the dream will be pursued or forgotten it's all depended on how resilient we are in pursuing the dream.

Over a year ago, when I started getting into the cam-ming world I had one thought in my mind and that was: to get through this year (20016) and save up to have my soap business going. Then as the time went on, I slowly forgot about my original plan. I was sucked in into the world of camming that I stopped thinking about my actual dream was to open a soap shop. Even though I said that I would be making soap along with camming but I didn't. I made 2 batches of soaps over the year and I didn't really do much with it.

I have been travelling around a bit and I did learn quite a few things from different countries. I believe that, travel is a bless to open door to knowledge and it served me well. I have had the opportunity to learn about the sophistication of the French when they makes things. Everything is so precise and perfect from food to herbal bag, or salt and  then soaps. It seemed I have forgotten about my soap plan, but when I saw the beautiful soap bars in France, I realized that I have to do better. Then Italy, the country of old, so much ancient histories in that country has given me the inspiration for my creation in soap making. Everything is an art in that country. And soap is my art.

The past year has been a blessing journey to discover myself. I love how I could express myself through my sexuality and I love how I could share everything with you guys. There are friends I have made through this which I don't think I'd ever be able to forget. You guys are truly my inspiration to be a better person. Some of you are like mentors and some of you are like my guardian angels, always watch over me and support me in every way. I will always thank you and you always have my heart. The relationship I have developed through camming is jus incredibly beautiful because it's so simple yet sophisticated. Without you guys, I don't think I would be able to follow my dream.

I haven't really logged on cam at all for the past week because I'm a bit stressed plus my headache was crazily attacking me. So I've been making videos, and planning photoshoot instead of going on cam. I can't stay and talk with people if my physic isn't well. I also made my second batch of soap of 2017, thanks to Jandal because I owed him a soap show :]. Then today, I look at the soap bars that I made, they give me a sense of peace. I realized, I have neglected my dream for quite sometimes already.

So, I would like to let you know that I will be making more soaps from now on. But that doesn't mean that I will neglect my camming. It's also a part of my life, it's just that I'm working on improving it to be better and more convenient. I want to add videos and photoshoot in case you guys miss me. So any other form of support will be greatly appreciated and of course there will be reward unless you just want to send me love to let me know you're thinking of me <3.

Support me to see how far I'll go. 

Become a part of my team and see me leap

Join me in my life journey and let's grow old together <3333

Hugs & Kisses

With Love,



  1. Absolutely. For you have always and still is to date, a very special part in this forever memorable moment of short lived time in my life.

    My Blessing

  2. Good luck and that your dream become a reality, let me know how can I help u

    1. Thank you Rudy 🤗. You're one of the first person who joined me when I first started the canming journey. Thank you for always being supportive ☺️

  3. It's hard to find genuine people in the world today, you as a person makes it easy to believe they still exist. As far as your dreams don't ever forget your life's true passion. I'm always happy to help and support in anyway possible.

    <3 Mike

  4. always miss ya tia,but your very focus. you do what makes you happy,.we are always here...mi amor
    ttyl xoxo Richie aka texaslong...:P

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  7. Tia... You know from the first moment our paths cross those many, many days ago.. I thought to myself damn this girl is special & not only for your beauty as you know but also for the person you are.. I really did enjoy chatting with you back then & even though our paths hasn't cross in awhile.. I want you to know my feelings, thoughts & respect for you has never wavered... (WinK) Just stay true to yourself always Tia cuz you a smart cookie & you deserve the best... Later4Now..

  8. Hey there! Hope you are well. I just wanted you to know that even though I am not on CV anymore, I really miss you, love.

  9. hi Tia. you are the only reason to join, without you no charm.its just waste of time. no one can replace by you. really miss u
    wish you for a bright future.

    acid factory (Princeyaseen@gmail.com)

  10. hi tia im manchego1(Antonio) love you

  11. Hi tía can not read your posts on site , add me in other site for friend if si posible, thanks besutiful
