Thursday, 11 August 2016

Moment of Truth

It has been almost 5 month since I started camming. I look back and I see how much I have accomplished and I am very happy with my life at the moment. These happen thanks to all of my supporters who appreciate and adore me :). I know I never can say thank you enough to all of you. My life has always been a bit complicated. It's a bit cliche because I believe everyone has their own complicating life and I can't complain about mine. However, life has lighten up on me since I've found this work field. It's like I am where I'm supposed to be and I want you to know that I enjoy every moment of it. I just can't describe it. There's no word for me to describe my overjoy and overwhelming feeling :P. 

I sometimes like to sit quietly at a place where I can think. I think a lot. I think about life in general. I like to learn about things. I like to learn about the Universe. I like to put my logic into it. I like to make sense of things. The crowd normally doesn't convince me to believe in things. I'm a quite odd person but in a good way ^.^

I find that we all have something for us to believe in and I believe the natural flow of the Universe. I believe things happen for quite a few reasons...And I do believe that the Universe does listen to your thoughts and wishes. You just have to focus in what you want and work hard to achieve it. The Universe will open a path to lead you there :). Not like you just sit there, doing nothing and the Universe will bring it to you. Nah, nothing in this world is worth it if you're not putting your sweat into it. I guess that's one of the reason we all live. You have to go to the dark to appreciate light; and you have to be in the light to appreciate the darkness sometimes for your eyes to rest :). I have quite a few mantras to live by in life and one of my favourite is: "There's always light at the end of the tunnel," or however you want to put it. So when you feel down, think about how lucky you are to be brought into this life and experience the life itself :). We all have up and down moment, don't let it take away the joy that is waiting ahead for you. Without complication, our lives would be so boring wouldn't it?

I know I'm babbling but hey, sometimes I'd like to write my thoughts out and share with you all. You are a part of my life now, yah know *-*

Until next time,


  1. Hi Tia, This is Port. I had forgotten that I also had a blog on this site. You are an excellent writer, and I look forward to reading more of your writing.

    1. HI Port, thank you so much for checking out the blog. I really appreciate your feedback {kiss}

